A 30 Day Challenge

%30 day challenge



%30 day challenge

Life happens.

The best laid plans don’t always go as planned.

That’s the way life goes and it only wise to go with the flow.

It’s been forever since I posted often here, and I miss it so much. When I write the world fades away and all that remains is…well, an enchanted world all creative souls resonate to.

I have been greatly inspired by the amazing Matt Cutts who did an inspiring Ted Talk a long while back. Ever since I heard of the 30 day challenge I was intrigued.

The challenge is exactly that a challenge.

And when I participated in Tom Baker ‘s 30 days of blogging honesty. I learnt so much about myself, met such cool people and generally had a lot of fun. I did it andΒ  I yearn to do it again now.

However, this time I will do it alone. Something like the Eat,Pray, Love journey popularized by Elizabeth Gilbert. A soul pilgrim. A challenge of the heart and mind.

We are in October and am an October baby this greatly inspires my adventurous spirit. I have wondered what is the best challenge to do and have come up with the following ideas;

  • Random acts of kindness month
  • Smiling Month
  • Novel Writing month
  • Photography month
  • Learn a new language month
  • Cooking month
  • Search for inspiring Kenyan love stories
  • No TV month
  • Learn new words month
  • Blog post everyday this month
  • Learn to play a musical instrument month

I am still weighing which challenge will be good for me and for October. I want to start this tomorrow.

Excitement is in the air and am so happy to see how this month spans out.

Be ready to see me often in your mail box πŸ˜‰

Have you participated in a 30 day challenge? How did you like it?


9 thoughts on “A 30 Day Challenge

  1. I was the recipient of a random act of kindness the other day! A man in line behind me paid for my groceries because my debit card wasn’t working. It had me thinking I needed to find a way to pay it forward since he refused to let me pay him back, so I am waiting for the chance to send a random act of kindness out into the world. That man just has no idea how much he made my day, and it wasn’t a dollar or two he spent, it was $40, which is huge if you ask me! So if you’re taking a poll, I’d say go with the random acts of kindness!

    1. Awwww, that’s such a lovely gesture that good man did for you. Random acts of kindness are just beautiful. Your story may make me sway on my decision for this month’s challenge.

  2. Good to have you back! I miss your posts and your energy in my blogs, not that I have been blogging that much lately. Wow, read the comments from Tiffany. That was a wonderful random act of kindness!

    1. Missed you too Marie, glad to be back especially with this challenge πŸ˜‰ Yeah, Tiffany’s story is so touching. Random acts of kindness make me weep, it’s like reading a chicken soup book.

      1. My friend the crybaby is back, whoo hoo! I now have my crying partner back. I love the Chicken Soup For The Soul books. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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